18 October 2009

New Year, New Kitchen

Another new academic year means a slew of new classes, new professors, and new living arrangements-- including a new kitchen.  Oh, and a whole lot more stress baking.

Thanks to my roommates and friends (who are complete enablers when it comes to my kitchen experiments), I am now hooked on cooking blogs and troll the internet for new favorites when I should really be doing my physics or chemistry problem sets.

I doubt many people will read this blog, but after stumbling on IronCupcake: Earth, having a food blog seems a necessary evil if I want to compete in the challenges. And here we are.

The challenge for this month: choose a song and develop a cupcake around it. As a singer-songwriter, I can't think of a better way to kick off my IronCupcake career. I have six days to come up with a submission... wish me luck!


  1. Good luck! I've been trying to put my culinary creations on my blog, but I'm no good at updating...

  2. Good luck!

    That picture, btw, is mouthwatering. I can almost taste it. Mmmm, baked goods.

  3. Thanks! That was one of my creations from last semester, Olya. Made me inordinately happy.
